Cook, Read, & Sew
It's a holiday weekend! I hope my "Fashioned Fam," are enjoying this extended weekend. On this beautiful afternoon, I will be sharing with you some of my favorite things to do to relax. I tend to stay busy during the week with work, church, the gym, and other endeavors. So I don't really have time to relax during the week. Unless I consider me falling asleep on the couch after a long day of work, relaxing. But I call that sleepy mode, not relaxing.
Here I am going to share with you some of my "Relaxing Favs,"
1. Cook

Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Pancakes & Bacon
I cooked this meal for brunch and I loved it! I love to cook, but I have a gluten sensitivity. I try my best to keep gluten out of my diet and to prepare my own meals. I don't cook as much as I would like during the week because of my schedule. But when I do I enjoy it and it is very relaxing for me. Bob's Red Mill has a really good gluten free pancake mix. Normally, I purchase it at Big Lot's but you maybe able to find it at your local grocer (check in the organic section). Who doesn't love Bacon? I could eat bacon with everything.
2. Read

"Jesus Calling & Not Even a Hint"
I am a daily reader of devotionals. One of the devotionals that I am reading now is "Jesus Calling," by Sarah Young. I purchased this at LifeWay, but you can also find it here. Every day I read this devotional it seems to be in sync with what I need to hear for the day. Reading takes my mind off of anything that I maybe dwelling on and pulls my focus into the words on the page. That is why I find it relaxing and a vital part of my day.
Also, I am reading a book I thrifted for .10 cents!! It's titled "Not Even a Hint," by Joshua Harris. It's focus is on guarding your heart against lust and any temptation. It is such a good read that I have highlighted through out the book. I would definitely reccommend this read, you can find it here.
3. Sew

Brother Sewing Machine & Patterns
Sewing is relaxing because I get that quiet time (besides the sound of the sewing machine). Sometimes I watch YouTube videos of Joyce Meyer or listen to the latest worship music. It has become my peaceful time. I haven't had time to sew lately, yet I am finding myself yearning to sew. I miss it.
I am happy I could share with you all today, "Cook, Read, & Sew," some of my relaxing favorites. I encourage you all to find a hobby, task, or something that you love doing to help with relaxing. It is good for the soul and sometimes it's needed.
Have a safe & blessed Memorial day weeked. Rememeber Memorial day should be celebrated by paying tribute to the men and women who lost their lives for our country.
Show Respect, Honor, & Love! Fashioned For Hem.