Heart of Gratitude
Webster defines Gratitude as being thankful, the readiness to show appreciation and return kindness. I have had several heart check moments lately and I realize that in all things I can give more thanks. As the definition for Gratitude states, I can have a heart that is ready to show appreciation, thankfulness, kindness, and I'll add grace.

I use to have this habit of being demanding or bossy and forgetting to say please or thank you. Yep, that was me, I am guilty of it.
Shocked?!? Well, don't be, I may not be as demanding or bossy anymore but I slip up at times. where I am in a rush and I just want to get things finished. My friends (God Bless Their Heart)s would point it out and I would say it after the fact. I learned it's not as genuine when you say thank you after someone has called you out.
My grandparents taught me the value of showing gratitude and appreciation for others even when they did the smallest act or offered to help out in any way.
A "please" and a "thank you" can go a very long way.
One of the things I had to remind myself of is that gratitude goes a long way. It is easy to forget that it's more than a thank you, it's a way to show appreciation and kindness. Gratitude shouldn't just be for others, it should be to yourself, and most importantly shown to God.
Life happens and when it is not going the way I expect it to go I have to take a step back from everything and say "God, I thank you."
Because even in the midst of life going wayward I have learned that his love is constant, consistent, and never wavers. I share this because having a heart of gratitude and outlook of thankfulness can change your atmosphere and the way you view any situation.
One of my goals this year is to stop complaining, I purchased a piggy bank to add coins to when I complain, I have shared it with others so that they can hold me accountable, and I am currently reading A Complaint Free World by Will Bowen. Yet, I realize even having all of these things in place I would still complain instead of finding a reason to be thankful, to show appreciation, and to show gratitude of the blessings I have, the good that is happening, and ultimately because the complaint most of the time is not justified.
Do you ever find yourself in this place of complaining? When it doesn't really affect the outcome of any situation. Do you complain? When something doesn't go right in your life, do you complain? Or maybe even when you receive bad service, do you stop to think that maybe that person had a bad day and they may need a little grace?!? Or do you complain??
Having a Heart of Gratitude is realizing that in ALL things in life we should be thankful, God deserves the glory, and that same GRACE you give to someone else in their time of need I believe surely will be given back to you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18:
"Be thankful in all circumstances;
for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus."
The will for your life is rooted in thankfulness and appreciation of everything. Life will happen yet, I am learning that the way we look at life and its events can change. First, we have to address the issues of our heart. What lies in your heart? Is it gratitude, love, joy, patience, grace, and appreciation. I encourage you to reflect on what lies in your heart. I pray that you have a Heart of Gratitude.
Embrace God, Love you, & Show Gratitude In All Things.
With Love,
Shishandra D.