Creating Your Own Happiness | Self Love Series
Self Love Series: This series is to remind each of us that we have to LOVE, appreciate, and be happy with ourselves before we can genuinely give it to others.

Are you happy with yourself? Focused on self-improvement and I shared 5 steps I took to remind myself of how happy I am. Let's look at ways you can create your own happiness.
You may be thinking well why do I need to create my own happiness?
Well, why not? We all have a responsibility to ensure that we are happy with ourselves. It may take being honest with what is happening in our lives whether it's a relationship you dragged on that you know you shouldn't be in, the job that you go to every day that you hate, or just where you are in life.
Whatever situation it is you have to create your own happiness. This can start with these 7 steps:
1. Own up to the fact that it's your responsibility to ensure your happy. It is your responsibility, that may sound simple yet, ask yourself: What am I doing to ensure I am happy? Am I taking responsibility for my happiness?
2. Talk with a neutral party I have learned sometimes there are feelings, thoughts, and emotions that I need to get out. I have attempted for years to talk with family or friends about situations, behaviors, or how I am feeling yet, certain conversations are only surface. They hear you but are they actively listening and understanding. Speaking with a therapist or spiritual counselor really helped me to understand my emotions, frustrations, feelings, and how important it is to create my own happiness.
3. Identify what makes you unhappy I touched on this briefly in "Are you Happy with Yourself?" yet, really take a step back and find out what is making you unhappy. This will help with creating your own happiness as you can work towards improving, changing your circumstances and life.
4. Be at Peace with Yourself That may include forgiving yourself and others for past mistakes and failures. Being at peace with a situation or where you are in life. Especially, if it is something you cannot change. Also, having that quiet time with yourself and with God.
5. Pursue the Passion that Makes You Happy Writing is one of my passions and though I have others, I am pursuing what makes me happy. I am happy sharing encouraging words to others and sharing a part of me with you. Also, I work 8-5 and I am still pursuing my passion for writing. What passion makes you happy? What are you excited about?
6. See the Limitless Possibilities of Living Don't put limits on yourself or what you believe in, it's not fair to God or you. Creating your happiness is inclusive to really standing and believing what the word says about joy, happiness, peace, and all of the blessings that are in store for you. See them and believe them, know that you can do all things through Christ which strengthens you.
7. Share your happiness with others I truly believe we were not meant to create happiness but to give it to others as well. Once you create your happiness, share your happiness with others. It is not just beneficial for you, yet, it will help others. Being joyful, sharing a smile, or an encouraging word goes such a long way. Yet, it's hard to do any of that if you are not happy with yourself. Please believe me, people know when you are sharing fake joy, smiles, and are not sincere.
Yes, this series is centered on Self-Love but you can't create your own happiness and be selfish.
Sharing your happiness with others will be a blessing to many. Continue to create your happiness, find peace, and share it with others.
"Embrace God, Love You, & Be Fashioned For Hem!"
Shishandra D.