Just Be You!
Hey Fashioned Fam! I was sitting at my desk reading and I came across a throwback picture of my sister and me.

Catherine and I! Cat is my big sister!
I have always loved FASHION and dressing up. Growing up, buying extra clothes for my Barbie’s, was an expense my family could not afford. So at the mere age of 8 years old I started designing my own fashion line. I would take my brothers old socks, color them with markers, cut out holes for arms, and Ta-da, my Barbie had a new outfit.

Growing up, I loved reading books and going to the library. When some of my friends would be hanging out in the neighborhood, riding their bikes, and having fun. I was the quiet and shy one. I grew up the youngest of 5. If my big sister would go hang out with people, I would go too. I wanted to be her and I looked up to her so much.
By the time I was in middle school, I started hanging out more with my own friends and finding my own identity. I still hung out with my older sister, I still was a bookworm, and a homebody. Until, I started playing basketball in 8th grade. Team sports helped change me. I had to learn to share, support, and encourage others. I wasn’t this amazing basketball star but I worked hard at learning the sport.
You may be wondering where I am going with these childhood memories. Well I am sharing to let you know that it takes time to understand that it's okay to be different. When I was younger, I use to try to fit in with crowds. I use to think maybe if I had nicer clothes or wore my hair a certain way, then just maybe they’ll like me better. Attempting to fit in or being someone you are not, will never change how others view you. I accepted it when I was in middle school.
Yet, as an adult I would try to understand why people didn’t like me. Well this person says I should be this way and that person says I should act another way!! This person always associates me with the actions of a close friend. NO, I had to tune out all of the outside voices, get rid of looking at others for validation, and know that I should “Just Be Me.”
Let me tell you, I’ve learned somethings are not meant for you to understand. Some people will not like you and its okay, life goes on. One of my favorite bible verses:
Trust in the lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do and he will show which path to take. Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT
I stopped trying to make sense of things and understand people. As an adult, I can really say I am being me. I get super excited when I meet new people at other times, I can be quiet and reserved. When I really want something I go after it and I can be bluntly honest. I can fail sometimes with following through on things. Have I worked on improving who I am? Yes. Yet, I base that on what God and his word says, not men.
When I look in the mirror, I appreciate who he created me to be. I didn’t just get here overnight, it has been years of shedding, breaking, and molding for me to understand that God created me wonderfully, beautifully, and I am worthy of the best.
To you I say, don’t you DARE allow someone else’s opinion to change who he created. God created all of us to be UNIQUE INDIVIDUALS. As people we are not perfect, yet, we can strive to be a better version of ourselves daily.

This really happens when you are free of attempting to fit in, free of others opinions, and whether they like you today or not.
How God sees you is what really matters the most. If there is something you want to improve about yourself, take it to him first. Seriously, pray about it and make time with him. He'll definitely help you to change (James 1:5). In the meantime, really know that you should “Just Be You.”
“Embrace God, BE YOURSELF, and Be Fashioned for Hem.”